Continuing Education Seminars & Events Archived

Start DateEvent Name 
February 9, 2025 02-09-2025 Dr Pang and Pang’s ABCDs Of Veterinary Anesthesia SEMINAR
EASAV Presents 
Dr Pang and Pang’s ABCDs Of Veterinary Anesthesia

Speaker:  Dr Daniel Pang BVSc, MSc, PhD, DACVAA, DECVAA, FRCVS & Dr Jessica Pang BSc(Hons) DVM MVetScBSc(Hons) DVM MVetSc

Date: Sunday February 9, 2025
Seminar Time: 9am - 2:30pm
Registration begins at 8:30 am
Dry Lab to follow from 2:30 to 4:00 p.m. (see separate registration)
Thank you to our sponsors: WDDC and Dispomed

Lunch will be provided
: WDDC Office: 17611 109a Avenue, Edmonton, AB

Click the Register button to register for this event!
This seminar will be recorded & available for streaming at a later date.
Anyone with a user profile can register & pay for multiple people at once.

EASAV/CAVM Members & Students:
Non-member DVMs: 
EASAV Member AHTs:
Other RVTS: $105.00


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February 9, 2025 02-09-2025 Dr Pang and Pang’s ABCDs Of Veterinary Anesthesia DRY LAB
EASAV Presents 
Dr Pang and Pang’s ABCDs Of Veterinary Anesthesia DRY LAB

Speaker:  Dr Daniel Pang BVSc, MSc, PhD, DACVAA, DECVAA, FRCVS & Dr Jessica Pang BSc(Hons) DVM MVetScBSc(Hons) DVM MVetSc

Date: Sunday Februry 9, 2025
Dry Lab: 2:30pm-4pm, Only 16 spots available!

Click the Register button to register for this event!
This seminar will be recorded & available for streaming at a later date.
Anyone with a user profile can register & pay for multiple people at once.

EASAV/CAVM Members & Students: $105
Non-member DVMs: $157.50
EASAV Member AHTs:
Other RVTS: $78.25


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February 9, 2025 02-09-2025 Dr Pang and Pang’s ABCDs Of Veterinary Anesthesia SECOND Dry Lab
EASAV Presents 
Dr Pang and Pang’s ABCDs Of Veterinary Anesthesia DRY LAB
SECOND LAB 4:15pm - 5:45pm

Speaker:  Dr Daniel Pang BVSc, MSc, PhD, DACVAA, DECVAA, FRCVS & Dr Jessica Pang BSc(Hons) DVM MVetScBSc(Hons) DVM MVetSc

Date: Sunday Februry 9, 2025
Dry Lab: 4:15pm - 5:45pm, Only 16 spots available!

Click the Register button to register for this event!
This seminar will be recorded & available for streaming at a later date.
Anyone with a user profile can register & pay for multiple people at once.

EASAV/CAVM Members & Students: $105
Non-member DVMs: $157.50
EASAV Member AHTs:
Other RVTS: $78.25

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January 19, 2025 Dr. Kathy Linn Dinner
An event exclusively for EASAV Voting and Associate Members
EASAV invites you to attend a dinner with Dr. Kathy Linn, enjoy some good food and some collegiality.

Date: Sunday, January 19, 2025
6-8 pm
 The Lingnan Restaurant
Address: 10582 104 St NW, Edmonton AB

EASAV will be covering the cost of all food for everyone attending this dinner, which is limited to 6 people.
Members ordering alcoholic beverages will be expected to pay for their own alcohol.

RSVPs will be granted on a first registered basis to EASAV members who have already renewed their membership.

To RSVP, register online
or email with your RSVP request. 
Priority reservations will be given to those who register online.

Jodymae Brown, RVT, Executive Assistant 
Edmonton Association of Small Animal Veterinarians
Box 3001 10029 101 Ave. Lac La Biche AB T0A 3Z0
Phone: (780)977-6975

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January 19, 2025 01-19-2025 A tap dance through small animal surgery: from silly walks to sorry bottoms
EASAV Presents "A tap dance through small animal surgery: from silly walks to sorry bottoms"

Speaker: Dr. Kathleen Linn, DVM, MS, Diplomate ACVS

Date: Sunday January 19, 2025
Time: 9am - 4pm
Lunch wil be provided!
Please be sure to let us know about any dietary restrictions!

Click the Register button to register for this event!
Deadline to register: JANUARY 17
This seminar will be recorded & available for streaming at a later date.
Anyone with a user profile can register & pay for multiple people at once.

EASAV/CAVM Members & Students:
 $105.00                       Non-member DVMs: $157.50
EASAV Member AHTs:
 $78.25                                               Other RVTS: $105.00

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December 5, 2024 12-05-2024 A Surgical Deep Dive Into Cherry Eye Repairs & Enucleations
Speaker: Dr. Kelli Combs Ramey, DVM, DACVO

Webinar Abstract: coming soon

 Thursday, December 5, 2024
Time: 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
This webinar will be recorded & available for streaming at a later date.
Click the Register button to register for this event. Anyone with a user profile can register & pay for multiple people at once.

Other DVMs: $26.25                 Other RVTS: $15.75

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November 17, 2024 11-17-2024 RECOVER CPR Rescuer Wet Lab
*Prerequisite: RECOVER CPR: BLS & ALS Certifications
Link to RECOVER website: You must register, pay for & complete these two online courses on your own, prior to attending the lab.

Date: Sunday, November 17, 2024
Time: 9 am - 2 pm; registrations & breakfast at 8:30 am
Location: WDDC: 17611-109A Avenue, NW, Edmonton, Alberta T5S 2W4

Julie Menard, DVM, DACVECC RECOVER Certified BLS & ALS (CPR) Rescuer & Instructor

Nanci Bond, DVM, RECOVER Certified BLS & ALS (CPR) Rescuer & Instructor

Lab participants limited to 12

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November 9, 2024 11-09-2024 EASAV Student Meet & Greet Event
Join us for EASAV's first Student Meet and Greet event, open to: EASAV members and all students in the veterinary profession (including DVM, AHT/VT, VMA, VOA etc.) as well as veterinary industry sponsors!

EASAV Student Meet & Greet

Saturday, November 9, 2024
Time: 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Location: Radisson Hotel & Conference Center West Edmonton (Formerly Coast West Edmonton)
Address: 18035 Stony Plain Road, Edmonton, AB T5S 1B2 

Includes some food, cash bar and speed dating meet & greet. Attendance is free to EASAV member clinics
At this time, there is a limit of 1 member/clinic unless the clinic is one of our sponsors. 

We are still looking for more sponsors! Clinics are welcome to provide some sponsorship! For more information, email us at

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October 9, 2024 10-09-2024 Low-stress Cat Handling Techniques & Feline Arthritis Management Updates
Speaker: Dr. Liz Ruelle

Wednesday, October 9, 2024
Time: 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
This webinar will be recorded & available for streaming at a later date.

Click the Register button to register for this event. Anyone with a user profile can register & pay for multiple people at once.

EASAV/CAVM Members: 
Other DVMs: $26.25        Other RVTs: $15.75

Unregistered support staff & students: FREE
You must notify us once registered and before paying for others you may have registered, so we can remove the fee.

Click the Register button to register for this event. Click on details to learn more. 
Videos of this session and other seminars will be available through our video library.
Anyone with a user profile can register & pay for multiple people at once.

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September 22, 2024 09-22-2024 A Potpourri of Vet CE
A Potpourri of Vet CE- an in-person event at the Shaw Theatre at NAIT

1. Review of Diagnostic Testing for common endocrine diseases 
(2 hours)

2. Chronic Kidney Disease Update 
(1 hour)

3. Surgical Treatment of Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome
Dr. Colin Sereda, DVM, MS, DACVS-SA
(1 hour)

4. New Kids On The Block In The Treatment Of Canine Allergic Dermatitis (1 hour)
Speaker: Vincent Defalque, DVM, DACVD

5. Practical Approach To Feline Pruritis
(1 hour)
Speaker: Vincent Defalque, DVM, DACVD

Date: September 22, 2024
Time: 9 am - 4 pm (includes breakfast and lunch); Registrations at 8:15 am
Location: WDDC - Google Map Link
This seminar will be recorded & available for streaming at a later date.

Sponsors: Idexx, VCA Guardian Centre, WDDC, Exzell & Zoetis


EASAV/CAVM Members & Students: $105.00                       Non-member DVMs: $157.50
EASAV Member AHTs:
 $78.25                                                  Other RVTS: $105.00

If registering multiple staff online, including students & unregistered staff, please email us to disclose their names before paying so amounts can be adjusted prior to payment!

Click the Register button to register for this event.
Anyone with a user profile can register & pay for multiple people at once.

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June 16, 2024 06-16-2024 EASAV Member Father's Day Picnic at the Edmonton Valley Zoo
EASAV Members and their families are invited to join us for a Father's Day picnic at the Edmonton Valley Zoo!

Date: Sunday, June 16, 2024   RSVP Deadline is Wednesday, June 12, 2024
 Edmonton Valley Zoo
Time: 10 am - 4 pm; Picnic lunch from 11 am - 1 pm
Attendance includes free admission to the zoo for the day for EASAV Voting and Associate members, their spouse or a guest +/- children and a picnic lunch in the big tent on the Wander. 

If bringing guests and family, please register by email to If you are attending alone, you can register online. 
Please include all dietary restrictions. 

Sponsored by: Royal Canin

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June 7, 2024 06-07-2024 Milton Ness Memorial Teddy Bear Hospital
Edmonton and area veterinary professionals are invited to participate in the Dr. Milton Ness Memorial Teddy Bear Hospital at the Edmonton Valley Zoo's Dreamnight at the Zoo
Click here to see full event information on our Veterinary Community Connections page

Location: Edmonton Valley Zoo (in the white tent on the Wander)
Date: Friday, June 7, 2024
Event Time: 4:30-9:00pm

Volunteer set-up: 12:00 -4:00 pm

Volunteer shifts timings: 4:15-7:15 pm & 7-10 pm

We are looking for Teddy Bear Hospital committee members to help organize and plan for this year's & future year's events. Email us at if you can attend 1-3 meetings before & after this year's event. Click on the blue details button for more information about this committee and our event! 

We're using SignUp (the leading online SignUp and reminder tool) to help you sign up for shifts at this year's Teddy Bear Hospital

Here's how it works in 3 easy steps:

1) Click this link to see our SignUp on SignUp:

2) Review the options listed and choose the spot(s) you like.

3) Sign up! It's Easy - you will NOT need to register an account or keep a password on SignUp.

Note: SignUp does not share your email address with anyone. If you prefer not to use your email address, please contact me and I can sign you up manually.

Location: Big White top tent just to the left (on the Wander) after you enter the zoo gates.

Sponsors:  Summit Veterinary Pharmacy, WDDC

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May 29, 2024 05-29-2024 Cardiology In General Practice: Radiographs, ECGs & Cardiac Biomarkers

Speaker: Nate Boyd, VMD, DACVIM (Cardiology)

Come and "virtually" meet Boreal's new Cardiologist!

Webinar Abstract: This webinar will review basic diagnostics that can be performed in general practice to screen for and diagnose cardiovascular disease. The subjective and objective interpretation of thoracic radiographs will be reviewed with a focus on specific indications for initiating therapy. Basic intepretation of ECGs and common arrhythmias and their treatment will also be covered. Finally, the utility of cardiac biomarkers as a screening tool will be briefly discussed. 

Date: Wednesday, May 29, 2024
Time: 7 - 9 pm
This webinar will be recorded & available for streaming at a later date.
Click the Register button to register for this event. Anyone with a user profile can register & pay for multiple people at once.

Sponsors:  Boreal Veterinary Centre          Boehringer Ingelheim

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May 5, 2024 05-05-2024 A Cornucopia Of Important Veterinary Stuff

A Cornucopia Of Important Veterinary Stuff – an in-person CE event

Speaker: Daniel Joffe, DVM, DABVP (Emeritus) Canine & Feline Practice
Topics: Raw Food Diets – The Science; Antimicrobial Resistance – The New Reality; Mistakes I’ve Made & Stuff I’ve Learned; Feline Diabetes – What is new & cool for cats; Canine Infectious Respiratory Disease Complex (CIRDC)

Date: Sunday, May 5, 2024
Time: 9 am - 4 pm (includes breakfast and lunch); Registrations at 8:15 am
Location: NAIT Main Campus: Shaw Theatre (Room X123)
This seminar will be recorded & available for streaming at a later date.


EASAV/CAVM Members & students: $105.00                  Non-member DVMs: $157.50
EASAV Member AHTs: $78.25                                              Other RVTs: $105.00  

Unregistered support staff can register, then skip payment (amount owing will be adjusted)

If registering multiple staff online, including students & unregistered staff, please email us to disclose their names before paying so amounts can be adjusted prior to payment!

Click the Register button to register for this event.
Videos of this session and other seminars will be available through our video library.

Anyone with a user profile can register & pay for multiple people at once.  

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April 14, 2024 04-14-2024 AM Wet-lab: Cooperative Care Training

The Edmonton Association of Small Animal Veterinarians presents a Behaviour series of webinars and wet-labs for everyone on the veterinary team…

Calm, Confident & In Control: Training for a cooperative veterinary visit behaviour series
Attendance to both webinars is mandatory for attendance to the lab.
If registering for the lab, DO NOT REGISTER AND PAY FOR THE LECTURES. You will be registered manually for those. 

AM Wet-lab: Cooperative Care Training (attendance limited to 12 attendees)
Speaker: Jessica Benoit, RVT, VTS (Behaviour), KPA-CTP, CPDT-KA, Elite Fear-free certified.
Facilitators: Shelby Mildenberger, RVT, KPA-CTP, Elite Fear Free Certified, Low Stress Handling Certified,
Janna Stachniak, RVT, Fear Free Certified (veterinary, trainer) & Christy Chow, RVT, Elite Fear Free Certified

Description: Attendees will spend time with RVTs/dog trainers with a variety of live dogs and cats on the following behaviours and concepts: targeting & stationing (nose/paw), chin rest, predictor cues, desensitizing & counter-conditioning to equipment. 

Date: Sunday, April 14, 2024
Time: 10:30 am - 12 pm

Fees: EASAV/CAVM Members and unregistered support staff: 

EASAV/CAVM DVM Members: $260.00        Other DVMs: $320
EASAV AHT Members:  $240.00                      Other AHTs/unregistered staff (if space permits): $260.00      

Registrations are limited to registered veterinary staff. 
Click the Register button to register for this event.

Anyone with a user profile can register & pay for multiple people at once.

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April 14, 2024 04-14-2024 PM Wet-lab waitlist: Cooperative Care Training

The Edmonton Association of Small Animal Veterinarians presents a Behaviour series of webinars and wet-labs for everyone on the veterinary team…

THIS EVENT SLOT IS FOR A WAIT LIST. If we fill 12 spots, we will open up a second afternoon lab. 

Calm, Confident & In Control: Training for a cooperative veterinary visit behaviour series

PM Wet-lab: Cooperative Care Training (attendance limited to 12 attendees)
Attendance to both webinars is mandatory for attendance to the lab.
If registering for the lab, DO NOT REGISTER AND PAY FOR THE LECTURES. You will be registered manually for those. 

Speaker: Jessica Benoit, RVT, VTS (Behaviour), KPA, CTP, CPDT-KA, Fear-free certified speaker
Facilitators: Shelby Mildenberger, RVT, KPA, CTP, Elite Fear Free Certified, Low Stress Handling Certified,
Janna Stachniak, RVT, Fear Free Certified (veterinary, trainer) & Christy Chow, RVT, Elite Fear Free Certified

Description: Attendees will spend time with RVTs/dog trainers with a variety of live dogs and cats on the following behaviours and concepts: targeting & stationing (nose/paw), chin rest, predictor cues, desensitizing & counter-conditioning to equipment. 

Date: Sunday, April 14, 2024
Time: 12-1:30 pm
Location: Companion Veterinary Clinic
Blackburn Dr W Southwest #8, Edmonton, AB T6W 2K5

Fees: EASAV/CAVM Members and unregistered support staff: 

EASAV/CAVM DVM Members: $260.00        Other DVMs: $320
EASAV AHT Members:  $240.00                      Other AHTs/unregistered staff: $260.00      

Registrations are limited to registered veterinary staff. 
Click the Register button to register for this event.

Anyone with a user profile can register & pay for multiple people at once.

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April 10, 2024 04-10-2024 Cooperative veterinary care: getting consent at the vet

The Edmonton Association of Small Animal Veterinarians presents a Behaviour series of webinars and wet-labs for everyone on the veterinary team…

Calm, Confident & In Control: Training for a cooperative veterinary visit behaviour series
Attendance to both webinars is mandatory for attendance to the lab.
If registering for the lab, DO NOT REGISTER AND PAY FOR THE LECTURES. You will be registered manually for those. 

Webinar # 2: Cooperative veterinary care: getting consent at the vet
Speaker: Jessica Benoit, RVT, VTS (Behaviour), KPA-CTP, CPDT-KA, Fear-free certified speaker

Description: Learn what cooperative care means & how we can teach consent behaviours & the importance of choice when teaching patients to participate in their own veterinary care. Consent behaviours discussed will include stationing & chin rest, the benefits of using predictor cues for cooperative veterinary care training and how to transfer this type of training to veterinary procedures.
Date: Wednesday, April 10, 2024
Time: 7-8:30 pm

EASAV/CAVM DVMs & unregistered support staff: $26.25
EASAV AHTs: $15.75        Non-member DVMs: $52.50

Click the Register button to register for this event.
A video of this webinar will be available through our video library for only 6-8 weeks following the live webinar.

Anyone with a user profile can register & pay for multiple people at once.

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April 2, 2024 04-02-2024 Techniques for food and non-food distraction

The Edmonton Association of Small Animal Veterinarians presents a Behaviour series of webinars and wet-labs for everyone on the veterinary team…

Calm, Confident & In Control: Training for a cooperative veterinary visit behaviour series
Attendance to both webinars is mandatory for attendance to the lab.
If registering for the lab, DO NOT REGISTER AND PAY FOR THE LECTURES. You will be registered manually for those. 

Webinar # 1: Techniques for food and non-food distraction
Speaker: Jessica Benoit, RVT, VTS (Behaviour), KPA-CTP, CPDT-KA, Elite Fear-free certified
Description: Animals can learn to make positive associations with veterinary procedures & care using food and non-food distraction. In this presentation attendees will learn the importance of observing body language, use their own body language in a manner that prevents and alleviates fear, anxiety, and stress and how to practically apply distraction techniques.
Tuesday, April 2, 2024
Time: 7-8:30 pm

EASAV/CAVM DVMs & unregistered support staff: $26.25
EASAV RVTs/AHTs: $15.75        Non-member
 DVMs: $52.50

Click the Register button to register for this event.
A video of this webinar will be available through our video library for only 6-8 weeks following the live webinar.

Anyone with a user profile can register & pay for multiple people at once.

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March 8, 2024 03-08-2024 Sylvester, Tweetie & The Age Of Enlightenment

EASAV is pleased to present a webinar for the entire veterinary team...

Sylvester, Tweetie Bird & The Age Of Enlightenment
The impact of outdoor cats on wildlife is a neglected topic in the Canadian veterinary curriculum. As veterinary professionals, our obligations towards the well-being of animals reaches well beyond households and farmyards & includes all animals. Attendees will learn how to make meaningful contributions towards wildlife & habitat conservation through education of clients about domestic cats, owned or unowned.

Speaker: Judit Smits, DVM, MSc, PhD, Professor Emerita, Ecosystem & Public Health at UCVM
Date: Friday, March 8, 2024
Time: 8-9 pm
Pending ABVMA & CVBC-approval for 1 hr CE credit 

This webinar is being offered in conjunction with the EASAV Members Annual General Meeting!
EASAV Voting Members: Click here to go to the EASAV AGM registration page. 

EASAV/CAVM Members, students & unregistered support staff: FREE
Other DVMs: $26.25    Other RVTs: $15.75  
Attention! If paying for multiple attendees on our website, including students & unregistered support staff who do not require CE credits; register them all first, then email us before paying, with the list of unregistered support staff who wish to attend so we can change their rates on the event. 

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March 8, 2024 03-08-2024 EASAV Member Annual General Meeting & Webinar

EASAV Annual General Meeting of the Members
Use this event to register for attendance to the AGM & webinar keynote (includes a free buffet dinner, cash bar, keynote and AGM)

Not an EASAV member? Click here to go to the webinar registration page!

Date: Friday, March 8, 2024
AGM Registration Deadline is Wednesday, February 28, 2024!

Location: Chateau Nova at Kingsway
159 Airport Road, Edmonton, AB T5G 0W6

6:00-6:30 pm 
Dinner: 6:45 - 8 pm
Keynote webinar: 8-9 pm
AGM: 9:30 pm

Keynote: Sylvester, Tweetie Bird & The Age Of Enlightenment

The impact of outdoor cats on wildlife is a neglected topic in the Canadian veterinary curriculum. As veterinary professionals, our obligations towards the well-being of animals reaches well beyond households and farmyards & includes all animals. Attendees will learn how to make meaningful contributions towards wildlife & habitat conservation through education of clients about domestic cats, owned or unowned.

Speaker: Judit Smits, DVM, MSc, PhD, Professor Emerita, Ecosysten & Public Health at UCVM
Pending ABVMA & CVBC-approval for 1 hr CE credit 

This webinar is being offered in conjunction with the EASAV Members Annual General Meeting!


EASAV Voting Members and 1 guest: FREE
EASAV Associate Members/guests: $50.00
Attention! If you are bringing a guest, please email their name and email address to
You must also email all dietary restrictions to prior to the registration deadline!

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February 11, 2024 02-11-2024 The Triage Tango In Person
Speaker: Leilani Mustillo, RVT, Founder & CEO of Animal Health Link 
Date: Sunday, February 11, 2024
Time: 10 am-12:00 pm MST 
Location: WDDC: 17611 109a Avenue NW, Edmonton, AB T5S 2W4
Pending ABVMA & CVBC-approval for 2 CE credits

Don't let your RVTs, DVMs & Client Care Receptionists miss this seminar, the first of its kind in Edmonton!

It will be an excellent learning experience for the entire veterinary team, especially those who handle emergency calls!

This is the registration page for the IN-PERSON EVENT!
Register on this page if you want to attend this in person at WDDC.

in-person seminar will now be live streamed on location and is on the same day as our Advanced Urban Hen Management seminar. A recording to this event is scheduled but not guaranteed. Those attending both sessions will be provided with a light lunch.

If you would like to attend this virtually, DO NOT REGISTER HERE.
Click on the link to register for The Triage Tango webinar.

 Leilani Mustillo, RVT, Founder & CEO of Animal Health Link 
Date: Sunday, February 11, 2024
Time: 10 am-12:00 pm MST 
Pending ABVMA & CVBC-approval for 2 CE credits

  • EASAV & CAVM members, unregistered support staff & students: FREE    
  • Non-member DVMs: $32.00    
  • Non-member AHTs: $15.75
  • Unregistered support staff can register, then skip payment (amout owing will be adjusted)
  • If registering for multiple staff online, including students & unregistered staff, please email us to disclose their names before paying so amounts can be adjusted prior to payment!
Click the Register button to register for this event.
Videos of our seminars are available through our video library.

Anyone with a user profile can register & pay for multiple people at once.
  • Those being registered online must have profiles on our website! 
  • Registrations can also be made by email to or fax to (780)757-7865. 
  • If registering for multiple staff online, including students and unregistered staff, please email us to disclose their names before to paying so amounts can be adjusted prior to payment!
Questions? Email or call (780) 970-3728

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February 11, 2024 02-11-2024-2 Advanced Urban Hen Care In Person
Speaker: Daren Mandrusiak, BSc, DVM
Date: Sunday, February 11, 2024
Time: 12:30-2:30 pm MST 
Location: WDDC: 17611 109a Avenue NW, Edmonton, AB T5S 2W4
Pending ABVMA & CVBC-approval for 2 CE credits

This is the registration page for the IN-PERSON EVENT!
Register on this page if you want to attend this in person at WDDC.

This in-person seminar is on the same day as The Triage Tango. A recording to this event is scheduled but not guaranteed. Those attending both sessions will be provided with a light lunch.

If you would like to attend this virtually, DO NOT REGISTER HERE.
Click on the link to register for the Advanced Urban Hen Care webinar.

  • EASAV & CAVM members, unregistered support staff & students: FREE    
  • Non-member DVMs: $26.25  
  • Non-member AHTs: $15.75
  • Unregistered support staff can register, then skip payment (amout owing will be adjusted)
  • If registering for multiple staff online, including students & unregistered staff, please email us to disclose their names before paying so amounts can be adjusted prior to payment!
Click the Register button to register for this event.
Videos of our seminars are available through our video library.

Anyone with a user profile can register & pay for multiple people at once.
  • Those being registered online must have profiles on our website! 
  • Registrations can also be made by email to or fax to (780)757-7865. 
  • If registering for multiple staff online, including students and unregistered staff, please email us to disclose their names before to paying so amounts can be adjusted prior to payment!
Questions? Email or call (780) 970-3728

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February 11, 2024 02-11-2024 The Triage Tango (Webinar)

Speaker: Leilani Mustillo, RVT, Founder & CEO of Animal Health Link 
Date: Sunday, February 11, 2024
Time: 10 am-12:00 pm MST 
Pending ABVMA & CVBC-approval for 2 CE credits

Don't let your RVTs, DVMs & Client Care Receptionists miss this seminar, the first of its kind in Edmonton! 
It will be an excellent learning experience for the entire veterinary team, especially those who handle emergency calls!

This is the registration page for the live streamed, virtual webinar. 

DO NOT REGISTER here if you want to attend this IN-PERSON!

Click on the link to go to the in-person registration page for The Triage Tango


EASAV & CAVM members, unregistered support staff & students: FREE         

  • Non-member DVMs: $32.00    
  • Non-member AHTs: $15.75
  • Unregistered support staff can register, then skip payment (amount owing will be adjusted)
  • If registering for multiple staff online, including students & unregistered staff, please email us to disclose their names before paying so amounts can be adjusted prior to payment!

Click the Register button to register for this event.
Videos of our seminars are available through our video library.

Anyone with a user profile can register & pay for multiple people at once.


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February 11, 2024 02-11-2024 Advanced Urban Hen Care (Webinar)

Speaker: Daren Mandrusiak, BSc, DVM
Date: Sunday, February 11, 2024
Time: 12:30-2:30 pm MST 
Pending ABVMA & CVBC-approval for 2 CE credits

 is the registration page for the live streamed, virtual webinar. 

DO NOT REGISTER here if you want to attend this IN-PERSON!

Click on the link to go to the in-person registration page for Advanced Urban Hen Care.


EASAV & CAVM members, unregistered support staff & students: FREE    

  • Non-member DVMs: $32.00    
  • Non-member AHTs: $15.75
  • Unregistered support staff can register, then skip payment (amout owing will be adjusted)
  • If registering for multiple staff online, including students & unregistered staff, please email us to disclose their names before paying so amounts can be adjusted prior to payment!

Click the Register button to register for this event.
Videos of our seminars are available through our video library.

Anyone with a user profile can register & pay for multiple people at once.

  • Those being registered online must have profiles on our website! 
  • Registrations can also be made by email to or fax to (780)757-7865. 
  • If registering for multiple staff online, including students and unregistered staff, please email us to disclose their names before to paying so amounts can be adjusted prior to payment!

Questions? Email or call (780) 970-3728

more info
February 10, 2024 02-10-2024 Fostering Relations with Leilani Mustillo
EASAV Voting & Associate Members:

You are invited to attend an exclusive dinner with Leilani Mustillo, RVT, CEO and founder of Animal Health Link.  Come and socialize with one of our industry's leaders and bring renewed passion to your profession by joining us for supper, on EASAV!

 Saturday, February 10, 2024
Time:  6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Location: Rice Paper Vietnamese Fine Cuisine (view website/menu)
 10080 - 178 Street NW, Edmonton, AB T5S 1S5 (Phone: 780-483-8198)
Cost: Free for members (members must pay for their own alcohol)

Guest seating limited to 6 people, including our speakers and board members!
RSVPs taken on first registered basis with priority give to those who sign up online. 

more info
November 26, 2023 11-26-2023 Introduction to all things POCUS AM wet-lab
Point of care ultrasound in every practice: introduction to all things POCUS, with a focus on abdominal, pleural space, lung and cardiovascular POCUS

Serge Chalhoub, DVM, DACVIM (SAIM) & Soren Boysen, DVM, DACVECC
Wet-lab Facilitators: Dr. Eoin Clancy, Dr. Cary Hashizume & Dr. Cam Friesen

Date: Sunday, November 26, 2023
AM Lab Time:  8 am - 12 pm
ABVMA & CVBC-approval for 4 hrs CE credit (with lectures = 10 hours CE Credits). 
SVMA members can self-declare their CE and keep proof of completion in the event of an audit. 

Attendance to all three Intro to POCUS lectures is mandatory prior to attending the lab. Lab fees include the cost of the lectures.

If registering for the lab, DO NOT register for the lectures
. EASAV will do that for you so you are not billed for the lectures!

 EASAV RVT members: $680.00 EASAV/CAVM DVMs & non-member RVTs: $700 Non-member DVMs: $800        

Click the Register button to register for this event.
Videos of all of our seminars are available through our video library.

Don't have a profile on our website? You can create one now for free!  
You don't need one to create a profile, but EASAV does has 2 membership categories available:
Voting members ($130/year - AbVMA Vets only)
Associate members: ($75/year - for RVTs. AHTs and out-of-province/unregistered vets)

Anyone with a user profile can register & pay for multiple people at once. Those being registered must have profiles on our website! Registrations can also be made by email to or fax to (780)757-7865

Questions? Email or call (780) 970-3728

more info
November 26, 2023 11-26-2023 Intro to all things POCUS PM wet-lab
Point of care ultrasound in every practice: introduction to all things POCUS, with a focus on abdominal, pleural space, lung and cardiovascular POCUS

Serge Chalhoub, DVM, DACVIM (SAIM) & Soren Boysen, DVM, DACVECC
Wet-lab Facilitators: 

Date: Sunday, November 26, 2023
PM Lab Time:  12:45 pm - 4:45 pm (registration will only open once the morning lab is full)
ABVMA & CVBC-approval for 4 hrs CE credit (with lectures = 10 hours CE Credits). 
SVMA members can self-declare their CE and keep proof of completion in the event of an audit. 

Attendance to all three Intro to POCUS lectures is mandatory prior to attending the lab. Lab fees include the cost of the lectures.

If registering for the lab, DO NOT register for the lectures
. EASAV will do that for you so you are not billed for the lectures!

 EASAV RVT members: $680.00 EASAV/CAVM DVMs & non-member RVTs: $700 Non-member DVMs: $800        

Click the Register button to register for this event.
Videos of all of our seminars are available through our video library.

Don't have a profile on our website? You can create one now for free!  
You don't need one to create a profile, but EASAV does has 2 membership categories available:
Voting members ($130/year - AbVMA Vets only)
Associate members: ($75/year - for RVTs. AHTs and out-of-province/unregistered vets)

Anyone with a user profile can register & pay for multiple people at once. Those being registered must have profiles on our website! Registrations can also be made by email to or fax to (780)757-7865

Questions? Email or call (780) 970-3728

more info
November 21, 2023 11-21-2023 Intro to all things POCUS Lecture 3
Point of care ultrasound in every practice: introduction to all things POCUS, with a focus on abdominal, pleural space, lung and cardiovascular POCUS

Serge Chalhoub, DVM, DACVIM (SAIM) & Soren Boysen, DVM, DACVECC
Lecture Webinar Series Part 3

Date: Tuesday, November 21, 2023
Time:  7 - 9 pm MDT

Final lecture registration deadline: November 19, 2023

ABVMA & CVBC-approval for 2 hrs CE credit. 
SVMA members can self-declare their CE and keep proof of completion in the event of an audit. 

If registering for the lab, DO NOT register for the lectures. EASAV will do that for you so you are not billed for the lectures!

Attendance to all three Intro to POCUS lectures is mandatory prior to attending the lab on November 26. 
Lab fees include the cost of the lectures.

Lecture Fees:
  EASAV RVT Members: $24 EASAV/CAVM DVM Members/Non-member RVTs: $32
Non-member DVMs: $52.50

Click the Register button to register for this event.
Videos of all of our seminars are available through our video library.

Don't have a profile on our website? You can create one now for free!  
You don't need one to create a profile, but EASAV does has 2 membership categories available:
Voting members ($130/year - AbVMA Vets only)
Associate members: ($75/year - for RVTs. AHTs and out-of-province/unregistered vets)

Anyone with a user profile can register & pay for multiple people at once. Those being registered must have profiles on our website! Registrations can also be made by email to or fax to (780)757-7865

Questions? Email or call (780) 970-3728

more info
October 24, 2023 10-24-2023 Pet Lizards: Clinical techniques and common disorders
This is a virtual webinar which will be recorded and available for streaming at a later date. 

 Christoph Mans, DVM, DACZM, DECZM (ZHM)
Date: Tuesday, October 24, 2023
Time: 7:00 - 9 pm MST 
ABVMA & CVBC-approval for 2 CE credits. 
SVMA members can self-declare their CE and keep proof of completion in the event of an audit. 

 EASAV & CAVM members: FREE    Non-member vets: $26.25        Non-member RVTs: $15.75   

Click the Register button to register for this event.
Videos of all of our seminars are available through our video library.

Don't have a profile on our website? You can create one now for free!  
You don't need one to create a profile, but EASAV does has 2 membership categories available:
Voting members ($130/year - AbVMA Vets only)
Associate members: ($75/year - for RVTs. AHTs and out-of-province/unregistered vets)

Anyone with a user profile can register & pay for multiple people at once. Those being registered must have profiles on our website! Registrations can also be made by email to or fax to (780)757-7865

Questions? Email or call (780) 970-3728

more info
October 10, 2023 10-10-2023 Intro to all things POCUS lecture 2
Point of care ultrasound in every practice: introduction to all things POCUS, with a focus on abdominal, pleural space, lung and cardiovascular POCUS

Serge Chalhoub, DVM, DACVIM (SAIM) & Soren Boysen, DVM, DACVECC
Lecture Webinar Series Part 2

Date: Tuesday, October 10, 2023
Time:  7 - 9 pm MDT
ABVMA & CVBC-approval for 2 hrs CE credit. 
SVMA members can self-declare their CE and keep proof of completion in the event of an audit. 

If registering for the lab, DO NOT register for the lectures. EASAV will do that for you so you are not billed for the lectures!

Attendance to all three Intro to POCUS lectures is mandatory prior to attending the lab on November 26. 
Lab fees include the cost of the lectures.

Lecture Fees:
  EASAV RVT Members: $24 EASAV/CAVM DVM Members/Non-member RVTs: $32
Non-member DVMs: $52.50

Click the Register button to register for this event.
Videos of all of our seminars are available through our video library.

Don't have a profile on our website? You can create one now for free!  
You don't need one to create a profile, but EASAV does has 2 membership categories available:
Voting members ($130/year - AbVMA Vets only)
Associate members: ($75/year - for RVTs. AHTs and out-of-province/unregistered vets)

Anyone with a user profile can register & pay for multiple people at once. Those being registered must have profiles on our website! Registrations can also be made by email to or fax to (780)757-7865

Questions? Email or call (780) 970-3728

more info
September 26, 2023 09-26-2023 Intro to all things POCUS Lecture 1
Point of care ultrasound in every practice: introduction to all things POCUS, with a focus on abdominal, pleural space, lung and cardiovascular POCUS

Serge Chalhoub, DVM, DACVIM (SAIM) & Soren Boysen, DVM, DACVECC
Lecture Webinar Series Part 1

Date: Tuesday, September 26, 2023
Time:  7 - 9 pm MDT
Pending AbVMA, SVMA & CVBC-approval for 2 hrs CE credit

If registering for the lab, DO NOT register for the lectures. EASAV will do that for you so you are not billed for the lectures!

Attendance to all three Intro to POCUS lectures is mandatory prior to attending the lab on November 26. 
Lab fees include the cost of the lectures.

Lecture Fees:
  EASAV RVT Members: $24 EASAV/CAVM DVM Members/Non-member RVTs: $32
Non-member DVMs: $52.50

Click the Register button to register for this event.
Videos of all of our seminars are available through our video library.

Don't have a profile on our website? You can create one now for free!  
You don't need one to create a profile, but EASAV does has 2 membership categories available:
Voting members ($130/year - AbVMA Vets only)
Associate members: ($75/year - for RVTs. AHTs and out-of-province/unregistered vets)

Anyone with a user profile can register & pay for multiple people at once. Those being registered must have profiles on our website! Registrations can also be made by email to or fax to (780)757-7865

Questions? Email or call (780) 970-3728

more info
September 17, 2023 09-17-2023 From mesial to distal: a surgical dental extraction laboratory - AM Lab
From mesial to distal: a surgical dental extraction laboratory 

Christopher Sauvé, DVM, DAVDC
Date: Sunday, September 17, 2023
AM LAB Time:  8 am - 12 pm MDT
Pending AbVMA, SVMA & CVBC-approval for 4 hrs CE credit

If registering for the lab, DO NOT register for the lecture. EASAV will do that for you so you are not billed for the lectures!

Attendance to the lecture on Sept 10 is mandatory prior to attending the lab.  
Lab fees include the cost of the lectures.

Laboratory Fees:
  EASAV/CAVM Members: $775 Non-member DVMs: $875

Click the Register button to register for this event.
Videos of all of our seminars are available through our video library.

Don't have a profile on our website? You can create one now for free!  
You don't need one to create a profile, but EASAV does has 2 membership categories available:
Voting members ($130/year - AbVMA Vets only)
Associate members: ($75/year - for RVTs. AHTs and out-of-province/unregistered vets)

Anyone with a user profile can register & pay for multiple people at once. Those being registered must have profiles on our website! Registrations can also be made by email to or fax to (780)757-7865

Questions? Email or call (780) 970-3728

more info
September 17, 2023 09-17-2023 From mesial to distal: a surgical extractions laboratory PM Lab
From mesial to distal: a surgical extraction laboratory 

Christopher Sauvé, DVM, DAVDC
Date: Sunday, September 17, 2023
AM LAB Time:  12:45-4:45 pm MDT
Pending AbVMA, SVMA & CVBC-approval for 4 hrs CE credit

If registering for the lab, DO NOT register for the lecture. EASAV will do that for you so you are not billed for the lectures!

Attendance to the lecture on Sept 10 is mandatory prior to attending the lab.  
Lab fees include the cost of the lectures.

Laboratory Fees:
  EASAV/CAVM Members: $775 Non-member DVMs: $875

Click the Register button to register for this event.
Videos of all of our seminars are available through our video library.

Don't have a profile on our website? You can create one now for free!  
You don't need one to create a profile, but EASAV does has 2 membership categories available:
Voting members ($130/year - AbVMA Vets only)
Associate members: ($75/year - for RVTs. AHTs and out-of-province/unregistered vets)

Anyone with a user profile can register & pay for multiple people at once. Those being registered must have profiles on our website! Registrations can also be made by email to or fax to (780)757-7865

Questions? Email or call (780) 970-3728

more info
September 16, 2023 09-16-2023 Scaling Up Your Prophies & Charts Lab
Scaling up your prophies and charting: A Small Animal Dental Course Lab
Now including dental handpiece maintenance and instrument sharpening!

Kathy Istace, RVT, VTS (Dentistry)
Additional Lab Instructors: Jen Charlton, RVT, Chelsie McPherson, RVT, Brie Smith, RVT
Date: Saturday, September 16, 2023
Time: 9 am - 1 pm MDT
AbVMA & CVBC-approval for 4 hrs CE credit
Location: Coast West Edmonton Hotel and Conference Centre

If registering for the lab, DO NOT register for the lecture. EASAV will do that for you so you are not billed for the lectures!

Attendance to the lecture on September 6 is mandatory prior to attending the lab. 
Lab fees include the cost of the lectures. The lecture will be recorded and available for streaming prior to the lab in the event you can't attend it live. 

Lab Fees:
  EASAV RVT Members: $340 EASAV/CAVM DVM Members/Non-member RVTs: $380
Non-member DVMs: $420

Click the Register button to register for this event.
Videos of all of our seminars are available through our video library.

Don't have a profile on our website? You can create one now for free!  
You don't need one to create a profile, but EASAV does has 2 membership categories available:
Voting members ($130/year - AbVMA Vets only)
Associate members: ($75/year - for RVTs. AHTs and out-of-province/unregistered vets)

Anyone with a user profile can register & pay for multiple people at once. Those being registered must have profiles on our website! Registrations can also be made by email to or fax to (780)757-7865

Questions? Email or call (780) 970-3728

more info
September 16, 2023 09-16-2023 Chewing the Cud with Chris Sauve, Gerad Cantin & Jen Charlton
An event exclusively for EASAV Voting and Associate Members

You are invited to attend dinner on Saturday, September 16!

This is a fantastic opportunity for EASAV members to get one on one time with amazing experts & educators in the veterinary dental field. You won't want to miss this one....

Dinner Guests:
 Christopher Sauvé, DVM, DAVDC, Gerad Cantin, DVM and Jennifer Charlton, RVT

Date: Saturday, September 16, 2023
6-8 pm
 Coast West Pizza and Steakhouse: 
Address: 18035 Stony Plain Rd, Edmonton, AB
Phone: (780) 444-2240

EASAV will be covering the cost of all food for everyone attending this dinner, which is limited to 8 people.
Members ordering alcoholic beverages will be expected to pay for their own alcohol.

RSVPs will be granted on a first registered basis to EASAV members who have already renewed their membership.

To RSVP, register online or reply to this email. 
Click here to register online (click on the green Register button) or email with your RSVP request. 
Priority reservations will be given to those who register online.

If you have any questions, please contact Smokey at (780)970-3728 or by email to

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September 10, 2023 09-10-2023 From mesial to distal: a surgical dental extraction lecture
From mesial to distal: a surgical dental extraction lecture 

Christopher Sauvé, DVM, DAVDC
Date: Sunday, September 10, 2023
Time:  9 am - 12 pm MDT
Pending AbVMA, SVMA & CVBC-approval for 3 hrs CE credit

If registering for the lab, DO NOT register for the lecture. EASAV will do that for you so you are not billed for the lectures!

Attendance to this lecture is mandatory prior to attending the lab on September 17. 
Lab fees include the cost of the lectures.

Lecture Fees:
  EASAV RVT Members: $24 EASAV/CAVM DVM Members/Non-member RVTs: $32
Non-member DVMs: $52.50

Click the Register button to register for this event.
Videos of all of our seminars are available through our video library.

Don't have a profile on our website? You can create one now for free!  
You don't need one to create a profile, but EASAV does has 2 membership categories available:
Voting members ($130/year - AbVMA Vets only)
Associate members: ($75/year - for RVTs. AHTs and out-of-province/unregistered vets)

Anyone with a user profile can register & pay for multiple people at once. Those being registered must have profiles on our website! Registrations can also be made by email to or fax to (780)757-7865

Questions? Email or call (780) 970-3728

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September 10, 2023 09-10-2023 Start - On-demand suicide prevention training workshop
Speaker: as determined by LivingWorks

Date: this is an on demand course that you can do on your own time. 
Registration Deadline is World Suicide Prevention Day: Sunday, September 10, 2023
Links to the course will be sent to registrants during the week following this registration deadline. 

 FREE for DVMs, RVTs, AHTs and practice managers. 

Start by LivingWorks is an on-demand course which is being offered as an alternative to our live webinar:
How to talk about suicide on August 28, 2023.

As there is a fee
 for you to attend either course (which we are paying on your behalf), you can only register to attend one of them. 

To register for How to talk about suicide, click here. 

You must have a profile on our website to register online.
If you have a profile, login and click the Register button to register for this event. 

If you don't have a profile on our website, you can create one now for free!  
Having a profile on our website is free. If you want to attend more of our CE or that of the CAVM (at their member rates), we suggest that you purchase a membership with us. 

EASAV has 2 membership categories: one for vets who are registered with the AbVMA and one for RVTs and vets who are not registered with the AbVMA (I.e. SVMA, CVBC)

Voting members 
($130/year - AbVMA Vets only)
Associate members: ($75/year - for RVTs, AHTs and out-of-province or unregistered vets)

Anyone with a user profile can register & pay for multiple people at once. Those being registered must have profiles on our website! Registrations can also be made by email to or fax to (780)757-7865

Questions? Email or call (780) 970-3728

more info
September 6, 2023 09-06-2023 Scaling Up Your prophies & Charts Lecture
Scaling Up Your Prophies & Charts Lecture

Kathy Istace, RVT, VTS (Dentistry)
Date: Wednesday, September 6, 2023
Time: 7 pm - 8 pm MDT
Pending AbVMA, SVMA & CVBC-approval for 1 hr CE credit

If registering for the lab, DO NOT register for the lecture. EASAV will do that for you so you are not billed for the lectures!

Attendance to this lecture is mandatory prior to attending the lab on September 16. 
Lab fees include the cost of the lectures.

Lecture Fees:
  EASAV/CAVM Members: FREE Non-member RVTs: $15.75
Non-member DVMs: $26.50

Click the Register button to register for this event.
Videos of all of our seminars are available through our video library.

Don't have a profile on our website? You can create one now for free!  
You don't need one to create a profile, but EASAV does has 2 membership categories available:
Voting members ($130/year - AbVMA Vets only)
Associate members: ($75/year - for RVTs. AHTs and out-of-province/unregistered vets)

Anyone with a user profile can register & pay for multiple people at once. Those being registered must have profiles on our website! Registrations can also be made by email to or fax to (780)757-7865

Questions? Email or call (780) 970-3728

more info
August 28, 2023 08-28-2023 How to talk about suicide
Speaker: Jenna Wray, Engagement Coordinator at the Centre of Suicide Prevention in Calgary

Date: Monday, August 28, 2023 from 7-9 pm MDT
Registration Deadline is Friday, August 25, 2023

 free for DVMs, RVTs, AHTs and practice managers. 

We will be offering an alternative course to those who can't attend this live webinar.
Start by LivingWorks is an on-demand course. As there is a fee for you to attend (which we are paying on your behalf), you can only register to attend one of these two courses. 

To register for Start, click here. 

You must have a profile on our website to register online.
If you have a profile, login and click the Register button to register for this event. 

If you don't have a profile on our website, you can create one now for free!  
Having a profile on our website is free. If you want to attend more of our CE or that of the CAVM (at their member rates), we suggest that you purchase a membership with us. 

EASAV has 2 membership categories: one for vets who are registered with the AbVMA and one for RVTs and vets who are not registered with the AbVMA (I.e. SVMA, CVBC)

Voting members 
($130/year - AbVMA Vets only)
Associate members: ($75/year - for RVTs, AHTs and out-of-province or unregistered vets)

Anyone with a user profile can register & pay for multiple people at once. Those being registered must have profiles on our website! Registrations can also be made by email to or fax to (780)757-7865

Questions? Email or call (780) 970-3728

more info
June 2, 2023 06-02-2023 Dreamnight at the Zoo
Edmonton and area veterinary professionals are invited to participate in the

Dr. Milton Ness Memorial Teddy Bear Hospital at the Edmonton Valley Zoo's Dreamnight at the Zoo
This year, we are using a google form to sign people up for the set up and event shifts

Sign up for one or more shifts!

After signing-up here
please complete our Volunteer Google form for:
  • a list of things to bring with you and
  • to tell us where you want to volunteer!

Date: Friday, June 7, 2023

Event Time: 4:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Location: Edmonton Valley Zoo

Set-up Shift: 12 pm - 4:00 pm

Call time for volunteers: 4:00 pm

Volunteer Orientation: 4:00 pm 


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May 28, 2023 05-28-2023 EASAV Veterinary CE Conference Day 2 Only
Use this event to register for Day 2 of the conference, on Sunday, May 28, 2023

Click here to go to our new Conference Website

If you are planning on attending the full conference, go to the FULL CONFERENCE Event to register and receive your discounted pricing package. 

EASAV 2023 CE Conference Day 2 Registration includes:

  • CE attendance to any of our CE events (on first come, first seated arrangement, at the conference) on May 28, 2022
  • Free streaming access to Day 2 conference recordings (after the event), for over 12 hours of CE
  • Access to the trade fair including breakfast and lunch on Sunday, May 28
Our Conference Brochure is almost ready to view! Until then, here is an idea of what we will have available:
  • Cardiology with Dr. Sonya Gordong
  • Radiology with Dr. Kathy Spaulding
  • Behaviour with Dr. Lisa Radosta
  • Industry Trade Fair x 2 days
  • Industry-led CE seminars
  • Veterinary Comedy Night featuring Dr. Ted Morris, Dr. Sarah Boston, Velina Taskov and Dr. Caroline Brookfield
Conference Trade Fair and meal venue: NAIT PIC Atrium
Seminar venues: ShawDow and Nexen Theatres
Early Bird Registration Deadline: April 30. 2023

ROLE FULL CONFERENCE (incl 1 Comedy Night ticket)       SINGLE DAY                        
EASAV/CAVM members/students Early Bird: $300
Regular: $320 
Early Bird: $175
Regular: $185
Other RVTs (non-members)         Early Bird: $320
Regular $340
Early Bird: $185
Regular: $195
Other DVMs (Non-members) Early Bird: $400
Regular: $420
Early Bird: $230
Regular: $240


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May 27, 2023 05-27-2023 Split Your Stitches: Veterinary Comedy Festival

Join EASAV for a night of comedy: Four veterinary professionals will share their points of view about clients, veterinary medicine, and the hilarity of working with animals. 

Date: Saturday, May 27, 2023
Time: 7-9 pm
Location: Shaw Theatre, NAIT Main Campus

Split Your Stitches is:
  • open to all veterinary professionals, support staff and their families
  • being offered in conjunction with our CE Conference; full conference attendees will receive one ticket free of charge
  • Priority seating for this event will be given to full conference attendees until March 31, 2023
  • Registrations to non-conference attendees will begin on April 1, 2023
  • This event will not be recorded
Disclaimer: Split your stitches will include some profanity. Viewer discretion is advised. 

Registrations will open to non-conference attendees on April 1, 2023.
more info
May 27, 2023 05-27-2023 EASAV Veterinary CE Conference Day 1 Only
Use this event to register for Day 1 of the conference, on Saturday, May 27. 2023

Click here to go to our new Conference Website

If you are planning on attending the full conference, go to the FULL CONFERENCE Event to register and receive your discounted pricing package. 

EASAV 2023 CE Conference Day 1 Registration includes:

  • CE attendance to any of our CE events (on first come, first seated arrangement, at the conference) on May 27, 2022
  • Free streaming access to Day 1 conference recordings (after the event), for 18 hours of CE
  • Access to the trade fair including breakfast and lunch on Saturday, May 27 and a cash bar and meet and greet event on Saturday night
Our Conference Brochure is almost ready to view! Until then, here is an idea of what we will have available:
  • Cardiology with Dr. Sonya Gordong
  • Radiology with Dr. Kathy Spaulding
  • Behaviour with Dr. Lisa Radosta
  • Industry Trade Fair x 2 days
  • Industry-led CE seminars
  • Veterinary Comedy Night featuring Dr. Ted Morris, Dr. Sarah Boston, Velina Taskov and Dr. Caroline Brookfield
Conference Trade Fair and meal venue: NAIT PIC Atrium
Seminar venues: ShawDow and NexenTheatres
Early Bird Deadline: April 30, 2023

ROLE FULL CONFERENCE (incl 1 Comedy Night ticket)       SINGLE DAY                        
EASAV/CAVM members/students Early Bird: $300
Regular: $320 
Early Bird: $175
Regular: $185
Other RVTs (non-members)         Early Bird: $320
Regular $340
Early Bird: $185
Regular: $195
Other DVMs (Non-members) Early Bird: $400
Regular: $420
Early Bird: $230
Regular: $240


more info
May 27, 2023 05-27-2023 EASAV Veterinary CE Conference Full Package
Registration Page for full conference package

Click here to go to our new Conference Website

If you are planning on attending only one day of the conference, go to Day 1 or Day 2 to register. 

Clinic Early Bird Promotion: when you register 2 RVTs before April 30, a third can attend for free!

To take advantage of this promotion, register and pay for the first 2 people, then email the third person's name and email address to 

EASAV 2023 CE Full Conference Package includes:

  • CE attendance to any of our CE events (on first come, first seated arrangement, at the conference)
  • Free streaming access to all conference recordings (after the event), for over 30 hours of CE content
  • 1 free ticket to our Comedy Night (additonal tickets available for purchase)
  • Access to the trade fair including breakfast and lunch for both days and a cash bar and meet and greet event on Saturday night
Our Conference Brochure is almost ready to view! Until then, here is an idea of what we will have available:
  • Cardiology with Dr. Sonya Gordong
  • Radiology with Dr. Kathy Spaulding
  • Behaviour with Dr. Lisa Radosta
  • Industry Trade Fair x 2 days
  • Industry-led CE seminars
  • Veterinary Comedy Night featuring Dr. Ted Morris, Dr. Sarah Boston, Velina Taskov and Dr. Caroline Brookfield
Conference Trade Fair and meal venue: NAIT PIC Atrium
Seminar venues: Shaw, Dow and Nexen Theatres
Early Bird Registration Deadline: April 30, 2023

ROLE FULL CONFERENCE (incl 1 Comedy Night ticket)       SINGLE DAY                        
EASAV/CAVM members/students Early Bird: $300
Regular: $320 
Early Bird: $175
Regular: $185
Other RVTs (non-members)         Early Bird: $320
Regular $340
Early Bird: $185
Regular: $195
Other DVMs (Non-members) Early Bird: $400
Regular: $420
Early Bird: $230
Regular: $240


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May 4, 2023 05-04-2023 Keratitis and Ocular Emergencies
This is a virtual webinar which will be recorded and available for streaming at a later date. 

 Kelli Combs Ramey, DVM, DACVO
Date: Thursday, May 4, 2023
Time: 7:00 - 9 pm MDT 
Pending AbVMA, SVMA & CVBC-approval for 2 CE credits

 EASAV & CAVM members: FREE    Non-member vets: $26.25        Non-member RVTs: $15.75   

Click the Register button to register for this event.
Videos of all of our seminars are available through our video library.

Don't have a profile on our website? You can create one now for free!  
You don't need one to create a profile, but EASAV does has 2 membership categories available:
Voting members ($130/year - AbVMA Vets only)
Associate members: ($75/year - for RVTs. AHTs and out-of-province/unregistered vets)

Anyone with a user profile can register & pay for multiple people at once. Those being registered must have profiles on our website! Registrations can also be made by email to or fax to (780)757-7865

Questions? Email or call (780) 970-3728

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April 15, 2023 04-15-2023 Practical local anesthesia techniques 9 AM course for busy DVMs and RVTs
Speakers: Daniel Pang, BVSc, MSc, PhD, DACVAA, DECVAA 
Lab facilitators: Crystalyn Legg-St. Pierre, DVM, BSc, DACVAA, Jessica Pang, DVM, MVetSc. Chelsea Schuster, DVM,

Date: Saturday, April 15, 2023

If registering for the full course, DO NOT REGISTER FOR THE LECTURE. The lab fee includes the lecture.
Attendance to the lecture on April 12 is mandatory for those enrolled in the lab. 
Attendees must be present for the live lecture as recorded streaming access may not be available prior to the lab. 

# Attendees/lab: 16

Lab Time: 9 am - 11 am

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April 14, 2023 04-14-2023 Fostering Relations with Anesthesia Instructors
EASAV Members only:

You are invited to attend an exclusive dinner with two or more of our anesthesia lab instructors and facilitators: Daniel & Jessica Pang, Chelsea Schuster and Crystalyn Legg St. Pierrre. 

Come and rediscover the energy that comes from socializing 
over a nice meal with your fellow members and speakers! 

Date: Friday, April 14, 2023
Time: 6:00 pm - 7:45 pm
Location: Coast West Pizza and Steakhouse - view menu
Address: 18035 Stony Plain Rd, Edmonton, AB
Phone: (780) 444-2240

Cost: Free for speakers and Voting/Associate EASAV members

Priority reservations will be given to those who register online.
Dinner is limited to 8 guests.
To register, click on the green Register button or email

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April 12, 2023 04-12-2023 Practical local anesthesia techniques lecture for busy DVMs and RVTs
Pending CE Credit Approval

Daniel Pang, BVSc, MSc, PhD, DACVAA, DECVAA
This lecture is mandatory for attendance to our lab

Lecture Date: Wednesday, April 12, 2023
Time: 7-8:30 pm MST

Fees: EASAV & CAVM DVM members: 32.00  EASAV RVTs: 24.00 
Non-member vets: $52.50    Non-member RVTs: $32  

Click the Register button to register for this event.
Videos of all of our seminars are available through our video library 1-2 weeks following their live date.

Don't have a profile on our website? You can create one now for free!  
You don't need one to create a profile, but EASAV does has 2 membership categories available:
Voting members ($130/year - AbVMA Vets only)
Associate members: ($75/year - for RVTs. AHTs and out-of-province/unregistered vets)

Anyone with a user profile can register & pay for multiple people at once. Those being registered must have profiles on our website! Registrations can also be made by email to or fax to (780)757-7865

Questions? Email or call (780) 970-3728

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March 10, 2023 03-10-2023 - EASAV AGM and Keynote with Dr. Torah Kachur
Keynote: The Biological Role Of Pets And The History Of Domestication
Don't miss this live presentation by one of the world's best science teachers and radio columnists! 
Speaker: Torah Kachur BSc, PhD
AbVMA-approved for 1 CE Credit

This is a live event and will not be recorded nor available for streaming. 

 Friday, March 10, 2023
Time: 6:30 - 9:30 pm MST 
Includes a 4-course meal, wine and cash bar
Location: Ernest's at NAIT
EASAV Voting members: Free of charge
Associate members and guests may attend for a fee of $40 each

Click the Register button to register for this event.

Don't have a profile on our website? You can create one now for free!  
You don't need one to create a profile, but EASAV does has 2 membership categories available:
Voting members ($130/year - AbVMA Vets only)
Associate members: ($75/year - for RVTs. AHTs and out-of-province/unregistered vets)

Anyone with a user profile can register & pay for multiple people at once. Those being registered must have profiles on our website! Registrations can also be made by email to or fax to (780)757-7865

Questions? Email or call (780) 970-3728

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February 16, 2023 02-16-2023 Cranial Nerves and Approach to Neuromuscular Disease
This is a virtual webinar which will be recorded and available for streaming at a later date. 

 Casey Smith, BVM&S, DACVIM (Neurology)

Date: Thursday, February 16, 2023
Time: 7:00 - 9 pm MST 

Fees: EASAV & CAVM members: FREE    Non-member vets: $26.25        Non-member RVTs: $15.75   

Click the Register button to register for this event.
Videos of all of our seminars are available through our video library.

Don't have a profile on our website? You can create one now for free!  
You don't need one to create a profile, but EASAV does has 2 membership categories available:
Voting members ($130/year - AbVMA Vets only)
Associate members: ($75/year - for RVTs. AHTs and out-of-province/unregistered vets)

Anyone with a user profile can register & pay for multiple people at once. Those being registered must have profiles on our website! Registrations can also be made by email to or fax to (780)757-7865

Questions? Email or call (780) 970-3728

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February 12, 2023 02-12-2023 Jumping Through The Hoops
Jumping Through The Hoops - getting owners on board with weight loss programs is a virtual webinar which will be recorded and available for streaming at a later date.

 Madeleine Cosentino, BScH, DVM

Date: Sunday, February 12, 2023
Time: 9:00 am - 12 pm MST 

Fees (with GST): 
EASAV & CAVM members and unregistered support staff: FREE    
Non-member RVTs: $15.75
Non-member vets: $26.25

Click the Register button to register for this event.
Unregistered support staff can sign up by emailing their name and email address to

Videos of all of our seminars are available through our video library.

Don't have a profile on our website? You can create one now for free!  
You don't need one to create a profile, but EASAV does has 2 membership categories available:
Voting members ($130/year - AbVMA Vets only)
Associate members: ($75/year - for RVTs. AHTs and out-of-province/unregistered vets)

Anyone with a user profile can register & pay for multiple people at once. Those being registered must have profiles on our website! Registrations can also be made by email to or fax to (780)757-7865

Questions? Email or call (780) 970-3728
more info
December 7, 2022 12-07-2022 "Urine" for a treat!
"Urine" for a treat!

 Cathy Wagg, BSc, DVM, DACVP (clinical) & Angelica Galezowski, BSc, DVM, MVetSc, DACVP (clinical)
Date: Wednesday, December 7, 2022; Registration deadline: Sunday, December 4, 2022

Webinar platform: 
Time: 7 - 9 pm MDT
This webinar will also be recorded and available for streaming following the webinar date!
CVBC, SVMA & AbVMA-approved for 2 hours CE credit

Registrations: Online registrations are preferred. Fax and email registrations also accepted.
Fees: This is free to EASAV & CAVM members and support staff who do not require CE credits!
Non-member vets/techs: $25
Please use the fax or email registration options for any support staff who do not require CE credits!

If you do not yet have a profile, you will need to create one for yourself. Signing-up is free.
EASAV now has 2 membership categories! Voting Members ($130/year - AbVMA vets only) and Associate Members ($75/year - for AHTs (Incl RVTs) and out of province or unregistered veterinarians)!

Anyone with a user profile can register & pay for multiple people at once. Those being registered must have profiles on our website!

Registrations can be made online or by email ( to (780)757-7865

Questions? Contact Smokey Walters at or call (780)970-3728

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November 20, 2022 11-20-2022 Fostering Relations with Marie Holowaychuk
EASAV Members:

You are invited to attend an exclusive lunch with Dr. Marie Holowaychuk. Rediscover the excitement that socializing with your fellow members and speakers brings to your career by joining us for a free lunch!