Check your registration status!

If you are not yet registered for an event, you will see the blue and green boxes below.
If you are logged in to your profile, you can register yourself by clicking on the green Register button.

Don't have a profile on our website?
Click on the sign up button in the black bar above to create one!
If you do not want to save money on CE by purchasing a membership, you can pay as a non-member with your free profile.
Want to save money accessing our continuing education?
Please note that not all registrations are received & some are occasionally lost.
Aside from late registrations received, website crashes and human error, faxes can fail and emails can be flagged as spam.
If you do not receive a webinar link or seminar information 2 days prior to an event, please email us at
For in person events: if your name is not on our sign-in list at the seminar, please add it to the bottom, when you arrive.
If you haven’t received a confirmation email, please email within 2 days of your event.
If you want to attend an event and your registration status is unknown; please come! We accept at-the-door registrations. Late fees don't always apply.
If you are paying by credit card using our website, please note that we charge credit card overage fees of 2.9% +$0.30/transaction; over-the-phone charges are billed at 3.1% +$0.30/transaction. To avoid these credit card fees, you can request an invoice with directions on how to pay us by direct payment via online banking.
Attention office managers
If you want to register your staff for an event (and pay with a credit card):
Scroll down to the event
Click on thegreen Register button beside the event
Scroll down to Register Additional Members & look them up on our website.
If you do not see your staff members on our website, that means they may not have a profile yet. Ask them to sign up and try again!
If you would prefer not to use a credit card to pay, you can fax (780)757-7865 or email the registration information to and send a cheque to Box 31029, Namao Centre NW, Edmonton AB T5Z 3P3 or wait for an invoice from us and send a direct payment to
We prefer to take credit payments with the online registration system but we can take them over the phone (780)970-3728. Please note that our Executive Assistant only works part-time and it might take a bit of phone tag to get your payment made.