02-16-2023 Cranial Nerves and Approach to Neuromuscular Disease

 The Edmonton Association of Small Animal Veterinarians
is pleased to present a webinar for veterinarians...
Cranial Nerves & Approach To Neuromuscular Disease
with Casey Smith, BVM&S, DACVIM (Neurology)

Date: Thursday, February 16, 2023
Time: 7 - 9 pm; login at 6:58 pm
Webinar platform: Zoom 


  • Cranial Nerves- this topic will focus on anatomy review of the cranial nerves, how to perform each test in the cranial nerve exam and what is normal/abnormal, what nerves are being evaluated with each test, and some case examples of localizing and diseases affecting the cranial nerves.
  • Approach to Neuromuscular Disease- this topic will focus on features of the neurologic examination that help us localize to the neuromuscular system, ways to differentiate between neuropathy, myopathy, and neuromuscular junction, differentials, recommended testing, and an overview of some more common diseases and treatments using some case examples.

This webinar will be recorded & available for streaming at a later date.

Content is geared towards vets, but RVTs are welcome to attend. 

Speaker Biography:

Dr. Casey Smith graduated veterinary school from the University of Glasgow and then went to a private referral centre in Pittsburgh, PA for her rotating internship.  Trying to decide between Neuro and Surgery as specialties, she then completed a split Neuro/Surgical internship in San Antonio, TX prior to a Neurology/Neurosurgery internship at Canada West in Vancouver, BC. She completed a Neurology/Neurosurgery residency at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2020 and came home to Edmonton to join Pulse Veterinary Specialists and Emergency where she has been since February of 2021. She was awarded Diplomate status with the ACVIM in July 2021 and enjoys spending time with her family, collecting too many houseplants, live music, travel, and spoiling her little paralyzed Frenchie Roo (Ruby).

EASAV Address: Box 31029, Namao Centre NW, Edmonton, AB T5Z 3P3

Webinar Date:
Thursday, January 19, 2023

Registration Deadline: 
Sunday, February 12, 2023

NEW Webinar Fees:                 

EASAV/CAVM Members:       FREE
Non-member RVTs:              $15.75
Non-member DVMs:             $26.25

Pending AbVMA, SVMA & CVBC--approval for 2 CE credits

Thank you to our sponsors!

Cranial Nerves and Approach to Neuromuscular Disease Registration Form
To register, go to www.easav.ca, email registration details to info@easav.ca, leave a voice mail at (780)970-3728 or fax this completed registration form to (780)757-7865.
Please contact us as soon as possible if you need to cancel a registration.
Registration confirmations will be sent by email as they are received. Webinar links will be sent 2-3 days prior to the event.

Clinic:________________________________Clinic Phone: ______________  Circle each attendee's role 

Name:_________________________ EASAV/CAVM  Other Vet  Other RVT  Email: _____________________________

Name:________________________ EASAV/CAVM  Other Vet  Other RVT  Email: _____________________________

Name:________________________ EASAV/CAVM  Other Vet  Other RVT  Email: _____________________________

Cancellation Policy: There are no cancellation fees for missed webinars. If an attendance to a webinar is prepaid and missed, the registrant will will be sent a link to stream the webinar when it becomes available.

A CE quiz must be completed to obtain CE credits when streaming our recorded webinars and seminars.